Sleeping in a hammock takes a little getting used to. First there's having the right slack in it so you can get the proper sag, then there's figuring out what positions you can chill in that given hammock. Between fine tuning my position in the hammock and the chirping/screeching of the birds that slept about as much as I did on Cofre de Perote, my sleep was a bit restless although there was no where else I would rather have been than on that roof in that hammock.
Come 5am, all the birds were in full song creating quite a cacophany, so I put my headphones on and continued on with my adventure though my 600 something songs on my extremely tiny Ipod nano. I forgot that once upon a time my old Ipod could go 20 or so hours between charges.
I ventured downstairs to find J awake and fiddling with the computer. We brought all the fixings for making coffee up to the rooftop and started the day from there. Today we chill. Maybe we go to the ruins of Tikal this afternoon? Breakfast was a wonderful combination of classic eggs, toast, and coffee with plantains, and a unique Guatemalan specialty that was something like a fried whole wheat pancake. Then there were the smoothies. All for about $15, yum.
We ended up not going to Tikal today and the rest of the day J read and I worked on this here blog so that you all can live vicariously through us in this paradise. Here's some eye candy from today, enjoy!
Dear Not Boxables,
You can be nearly flat and level in a hammock if you lie at some angle to the line from "ring" to "ring" and make the lenthwise strands spread apart to accomodate your length.
Felix Navidad!
I'm sitting beside your mom on our couch. We're all here (Sam, Susan, Charles, Bubs, and Louise) and we miss you!!!! Call us so we can all chat on skype! Feliz Navidad!
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