Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Day 23: La Pesca, Tamaulipas, Mexico to Some little place unknown off a closed highway off of highway 180 just norte de Manuel, Tamaulipas, Mexico.

So we put our tent right under a lamp and a few times I woke up during the night and didn’t know if it was time to get up or if it was the lamp. Finally the sun was up and we packed up, looking out over an inlet from the Gulf of Mexico. It was an amazing day, sunny and warm, I can get used to this. We headed off to la playa and take in some of the rays, the water was a nice temperature about 63 degrees to make a guess…

We had our fill of the beach and headed back to the town and picked up some supplies, agua, tortillas, y queso, for breakfast which we ate on a soccer field on the road back to highway 180!

At the junction of our road and 180 was the town of Soto La Marina, were we looked and asked where the back was for about an hour, driving the strip twice before realizing that we had to get off of the strip and into the town to get to the bank. We had been running a bit low for our liking and were not sure when it would open or when we could get money due to the fact that it was Sunday.

Heading south on 180 was the events of most of the rest of our day, we were trying to find a little town on the coast, La Cruz. Our first attempt was taking a road east that turned into a dirt road, we turned off on some smaller roads and came to a dead end at a locked cattle ranch gate. These are the good roads, not knowing where they lead only what direction they are heading.

We ended up in a little village driving through it trying to find our way. Everyone was looking at us with still faces until we waved and everyone waved back with big smiles. The kids were running around us and so were the dogs, oh man the dogs. They told us that there is no dirt road to La Cruz from here and that this was a dead end. We had to head back out to our new friend highway 180.

It was getting late so when we were outside of Manuel we turned onto a highway that we soon realized was closed, all the better for us, we turned onto a little dirt road and drove about three hundred yards off the road and set up camp, had ourselves some dinner in the tent and fell asleep day to, only spending about $20 each today.

1 comment:

Bubs' Blog said...

Looks awesome guys. Important question for you: what are the odds you'll be in Panama by January 5th? Judging by where you are now it doesn't look very likely. There are some great airfares to Panama and I am thinking of going between 1/5 - 1/16.
