Our first night here the hostel we wanted to stay at was full so we opted for the misquito infested tent, we woke up in the morning and there were 30+ of these guys floating around to full to eat any more of our blood. We were happy when we moved into our dog houses, a cozy structure four feet in its highest spot and just big enough for two beds.
It is 100 cordobas per night per person ($35 per week buffs), which is not to bad considering that I can look out from my bed through our screen half doors, out the small gate leading to the beach and am just able to make out the size of the waves and what tide it is. By these calculations I can roughly figure out what time it is and if I need to brew some coffee and start another day in paradisimo.
I picked up a surfboard today, meaning i shelled out 200 bucks for a really nice 7'3" piece of foam to take out in to the ocean and play with waves, a phenominon that occures when a serge of water meets a sloaping sand beach and the top of the wave moves at a quicker speed than the bottom of the wave, through friction all of you thermodinamics people, so that the wave curls over, usually when this happens the entire surge breaks all at once, but if you are lucky the serge comes in at an angle and breaks over a period of time either from right to left or vis versa. Depending of the size of the serge and the shape of the ocean floor the waves are unique their area. Going out onto these waves is quite an interesting experience, first you wade out upto your waist and jump up onto your board and paddle out. Paddling seems to be quite easy but I think it is the most difficult thing in surfing, try getting through pounding waves with the only propulsion being your arms. They get buff really quick.
Surfing is like fishing, its not called catching for a reason because most of the time you are not catching but getting pounded by the waves, a nice little reminder that mother nature can still kick you ass. And it is not about how big of a wave you can catch and what sick moves you can throw down, it is about how much fun you are having and how this experience makes you feel. It is a great feeling the power of the wave in a positive way, having it propell me while I am
standing on it even just for a split second, I can only imagine...
At night we cook some dinner and make a fire on the beach, sing and look at the stars, the milkyway, and other planets in our solar system. It is so clear you can see everything and visualize the moon spinning around the earth which in turn is spinning around the sun along with a few other planets, and our sun is just one of many stars in our galexy and I realized that all things are relative, the only real significants of a year or a day is that it is just our reference to the sun that we call time, but there is a universal time that is much "slower" than what we experience, it is one that time is measured by the speed of light and of entire solar systems changing their relative distences from each other over a "long" time. We are lucky that we have the ability to see a "snapshot" of this time. We are significant only in that we make this reality based on the information we are able to access. What is it that we don't know, but is right infront of us waiting for us to discover it, and if we discover it is that when it has an existence or dose this possiblity already exist, and if this is true, that these possibilities exist than this means that everything is possible until we prove it otherwise, and even in this case of proving it we are only using the tools that we understand to prove it and if that is true how can we find something new if don't know that it exists. Why is it not possible to float off of the ground or fly? Because we think that it is not possible or because it is not possible? and how do we know for sure that it is not possible, are we only using what we know to come to this conclusion?
Lots of questions that bring up more questions, I think this is philosophy, but thats only what they tell me, you know those people who say it exists.