I think I have the bends, this sucks... I woke up last night twice showlders in some pain. The second time I just stumbled out of bed and went onto the sun deck to watch the sunrise.
It turned out not to be the bends, aka nitrogen narcosis, just my arms feeling the swim test across to the next cay after not swimming for about 2 months.
We finished up our confined water dive exersizes this morning after our now routine breakfast of panqueques and cafe at the local early hangout.
Sarah is basically teaching us to breathe and swim. It is almost like I was just born into a completely new world.
This afternoon we did our first two open water dives off the boat. The fist divewas faily shallow and simple, desend to a sand patch and do some exersizes and then go swim around. SCUBA is absolutly phanominal, a world that is our own, though we have not experienced it before like this. The world consists of 75% water and we have spend 99.9% of our lives on the 25% that is land, with 33% of that time on land sleeping. We have only tuched the tip of the ice burg, I am going to enjoy this.
Our second dive decended to a different sand patch and then along a correl wall, I dont have any other adjectives to explain the feeling I felt eyes wide open. The other people in the class, how do I say this kindly, are aquadically challanged.
After washing our gear we headed to the Carribean Fresh Fish Market here on Jewel Cay and picked up 10 pounds of extreamly fresh gutted snapper, red and yellow tail, for 400 limps (around $20 USD). From Seaview Cay we picked up a case of the Carribeans finnest beer and headed back to the hotel, grilled up the fish, sat around the grill made sauces and chatted about the wonderful life we are living.
Fireworks went off at midnight first on the mainland of La Ceiba and then at midnight on Utila and then at midnight here on Jewel Cay, must be the different time zones... Happy New Year Everyone! Hope you had a great 2007 and have a great 2008!
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